
In the Triângulo Mineiro area are rare and beautiful examples of abiotic natural heritage, such as waterfalls in Indianapolis County. This county is recognized by the variety and scenic beauty of the falls, so, the general aim of this study was to identify the potential of these sites to practice geotourism. To achieve the proposed goals, three kinds of activities were done: revision of relevant literature, Þ eld work along the watercourses and falls and cabinet research. Following the methodology 20 falls have been mapped in the city of Indianapolis, all with a natural beauty and value, showing rock units in various sizes that allow the understanding of the geological history of the region as well as the identiÞ cation of active geomorphological processes in the evolution of waterfalls. We conclude that there is huge geotouristic potential in the Indianapolis waterfalls, mainly Mirandao, Furnas and San Antonio falls. However if the municipality actually wants to performe geotourism activities, enjoying its beneÞ ts, it is necessary to make tourism planning and creating public policies that regulate the activity.

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