
Based on the preliminary evidence of volcanoes, hot springs, and Geysers in parts of Nigeria, it is proposed that deep geothermal wells can be found in Nigeria. This research uses thermal anomalies zones to identify types of geothermal wells in Nigeria, i.e., using remote sensing and modified thermal equations. The remote sensing dataset includes the ground heat flux (GHF) dataset from Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) of 28 years; sediment thickness dataset from EarthData; and surface geology from LANDSAT. The thermal transport model was used to narrow potential locations across Nigeria using the ground heat flux and sediment thickness, while the surface geology was used to confirm the deep geothermal zones. Four GHF patterns were discovered in Nigeria. The research shows that the deep geothermal wells might be located in Plateau, Bauchi, Gombe, Taraba, Ekiti, Kogi, Benue, Nassarawa, and Taraba. Also, the medium-depth geothermal wells may be located in Sokoto, Zamfara, Kastina, Kwara, Oyo, and Jigawa States. It was revealed that the southern parts of Nigeria have lots of shallow geothermal wells. The deep geothermal wells can be found in the Chad Basin and Benue trough, while the medium-depth geothermal wells can be found in the Sokoto basin, Bida basin, and parts of the lower Benue trough. It is recommended that further ground trotting exploration be carried out in the identified geographical locations.

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