
During the last 6 years Central Statistical Office of Poland (CSO) made great progress in the field of geographic information systems. Up to 2008 all geographic data was kept and maintained solely on paper maps. Today those maps are used only as an archived reference material and CSO is in possession of numeric data that provides spatial reference for all desirable survey frames. Spatial address databases – a geographic representation of statistical division units and dwelling locations – were created in regional statistical offices for the whole area of Poland and verified in the field by census enumerators. Point based census data collection allowed CSO to publish georeferenced results in any desired division of space, such as territorial division units or geographical grid systems, as long as statistical confidentiality is maintained. In 2013 CSO launched the Geostatistics Portal, which allows statistical data geovisualization on choropleth and diagram maps. The Portal also serves detailed population grid maps (on a 1x1km grid). CSO constantly works on improving the Geostatistics Portal – publishing new data and developing new tools for geovisualization and spatial analysis – all this to bring statistical data closer to the people and authorities and make governance easier on all administrative levels.

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