
So il hydraulic conductivity is the most important physical parameter that impresses drainage projects fro m technical perspective. The purpose of this study is the investigation of spatial changes of hydraulic conductivity, calibration, and feasibility of using various methods of geostatistic in Shahrekord Plain in the West of Iran. Hence Kriging (K), Inverse Distance Weighting method (IDW), Local Po lynomial Interpolation (LPI) and Global Polyno mial Interpolation (GPI) methods were used for interpolation. For evaluation these methods we used Cross-Validation Technique with MAE and M BE statistical criteria. Studies showed that spatial correlat ion of hydraulic conductivity in this region is weak and krig ing was recognized as suitable method (C0/Sill = 81%). Ordinary kriging method contains the lowest rate of MAE and MBE. In fact, the high flexib ility of this method than the other methods studied shows the high accuracy of this method because of having variety models and parameters. Also results showed that ordinary kriging with a circular model are the most suitable method for interpolation in zoning the hydraulic conductivity because of lower errors and relative deviation.

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