
Geosmin, 1, (trans-1 ,lOdimethyl-trans-9-decalol) and the 2-methyl derivative of isoborneol, 2, (1,2,7,7tetramethyl-exo-bicycle [2.2.l]heptan-2-01) are volatile metabolites of various Streptomycetes, algae, and fungi [ 11. Geosmin in particular has an intense ‘earthy’ or ‘musty’ odor. Both metabolites have caused odor and taste problems in water supplies [2] and foods but geosmin is important for the flavour of beets [3]. Despite the problems for water supplies, there is almost no biosynthetic information for these materials. However, aerial mycelium negative (amy-) isolates of Streptomyces alboniger, S. scabies, and S. violaceous-ruber failed to produce an earthy odor; the uncharacterized material was assumed to be geosmin [4]. We have used radio-gas chromatography to investigate the biosynthesis of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol and have obtained amyisolates of S. sulfureus and S. antibioticus which produce neither metaboiite.

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