
It was only fifty years before that our scientists and experts on climate and environment started the keen observation that something wrong is happening to our environment. The result was that the far-sighted people in the world began emphasizing that human community should take an approach of sustainable living, growth and development. A large number of national and international conferences on sustainable development have been held during the last 40 years to chalk out workable strategies to counter act the impending catastrophes, but till date all these conclaves have been proved to be futile exercises. Such as: Stockholm Conference (1972), Helsinki (1989), London (1992) , Rio-Summit (1992), Kyoto- Summit (1997), World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg (2002), Stockholm and Montreal Summit in 2004 and 2005 and the later Berlin Conference 2007. Bali Conference (2007) agreed on all the agenda. The above strategies, i.e., to make the people aware with the dire consequences of the natural hazards of climate and environmental change, the corporate political and business circles has neither reduced nor stopped the emission of Green House Gases (GHGS). By keeping the people uninformed and unorganized in all these high get - together, the U.S. has played the chief Criminal role to disrupt and undermine all these high get- together by refusing to accept their respective basic decisions and confusing the people all over the world and harming the human cause. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reject the objectives of the corporate thinkers, experts, politicians and economists and all the different brands of humanitarian and environmental forces come forward and unite themselves on the basis of common agenda and organize the people on a single platform for saving our planet earth, our environment and combating global warming. Unless and until the people and resources are not considered the most precious thing in the society the corporate capitalism falsifies that only capital is the most precious things in society. Secondly it is necessary to have in mind and in practice both that the fundamental human task is environmental sustainability at all times and at all places. Lastly, our next principle should be the all round constitutional empowerment of the people such as (i) Economic empowerment and social security and fundamental right to have the clean air, pure-drinking water, protective and nutritious food, housing, clothing and free health facilities and education etc. fair equality based on 1:5 income difference in order to bring economic harmony among the extremely divided categories of a handful of rich and the vast majority of poor people. If it is not tackled poverty and pollution may be considered coterminous as one of the factors, (ii) Political empowerment which should be characterized as involvement of dedicated social worker, right of vote and candidature for election be allowed, peoples sponsored candidate should be elected for election to raise the issue of environment, (iii) Cultural empowerment based on a life style with environmental values. Analysis Of Environmental Degradation An analysis of environmental degradation in general and each of its components in particular is very necessary in an integrated manner. Eco-bio challenge facing the human society today is fatal and if not tackled within a few decade or so, it would , according to expert opinion, become uncontrollable, pushing the human species (along with other bio-phenomena) for their final doom, thus wiping off the existence of all varieties of living matter on this earth. The environmental degradation is mainly caused by variety of pollutions which arises from the existing chemical based and mainly thermal power driven capitalist technology (related to manufacturing, agriculture, information industry etc). Our environment is comprised of air water land and bio- diversity (including forests) 1. Air pollution today constitutes the chief threat to the bio-life on our planet. It has become the major killer of the people. The emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gases have been trebled during the past three decades, creating global warming and climate change as a serious threat to all bio-life. U.S alone creates about 30 % green - house gas emissions which is the chief polluter of the world. 2. Water pollution as a major component of environment is scarcely available for all the sectors such as hydro- electricity, irrigation, safe drinking water and industrial- urban water. Over 50 % of world population now faces chronic shortage of fresh water for daily needs. Over 60% of the worlds wetlands have been lost and 25% of the ten-thousand fresh water species is extinct. The contaminated water kills millions of people every year and we have the largest number of water - borne diseases.

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