
Just like throughout history, nowadays west Balkans is the space of merge of different interests of geopolitical factors on both global and regional levels. The key geopolitical processes in this region are articulated via the goals of globalism, i.e. so-called new world order. In 1990s, a powerful west Balkans country – former SFR Yugoslavia, which was ethnically, nationally, religiously, and culturally heterogenous – presented an obstacle. So in early 1990s this country was violently broken into theelements of its heterogeneity and internal animosity, which were further supported by intersts of globalism, European regionalism, Islamic fundamentalism, and ancient interests of Vatican. The newly-formed countries resulting from SFRY break-up are now burdened by a whole range of complex geopolitical and total development problems. Some of these are already members of EU and NATO, some are attempting to become members, and only rare ones are trying to keep neutral position. Practically, the West already has a full control over most west Balkans and has a strong geopolitical impact on total development procsses in the newly-formed states. It also has impact on the position of these states within their neighboring region. Opposite of western interests, the renewed „New Russia“, has had a larger geopolitical and economic global impact, including west European. Practically, the west Balkans merges geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the West and the process of globalism that targets at a unipolar world on one side, and interests of Russia and the concept of multipolar world on the other. One such state of affairs warms up the old and generates the new problems in all west Blakans countries and their interstate relations.

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