
Referring to the genesis of Armenian historical claims, we proceed from the widely acknowledged paradigm that the "Armenian idea" is a multi-layered phenomenon, which includes many political, socio-economic and ideological-psychological contexts.  All of these components are invisibly present in the genesis of the conflicts of the Armenian people with neighbouring nations and states. The ethno-political space of the Armenian people has always been characterised by a very complex and intricate set of problems and contradictions, which have often led to wars, deportations and violent disputes between different ethnic groups and states. The historical mission of the Armenian nation, prompted by the entire course of its development, has the aim of appropriating the territories of neighbouring nations and countries. Through the fault of the Armenian patriarch,[1] the effort to create a Georgian-Armenian federal state failed in the second half of the 18th century. Therefore, the new Armenian national leaders gave special importance to Russia, which emerged in the geopolitical struggle for the Caucasus. By the end of the 18th century, the formation of a secret Russian-Armenian geopolitical alliance began, which had as its goal the creation of an Armenian state in the Caucasus on the territories of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

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