
THE third volume of the “Annales” of the Institut de Physique du Globe de l'Universite de Paris and of the Bureau Central de Magnetisme Terrestre, the two institutions directed by Prof. Maurain, has been issued recently (Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1925). The volume is devoted mainly to observations made during the year 1923. The principal geophysical observatory in France is at Val-Joyeux, 24 kilometres west of Paris. For this observatory hourly values of the magnetic elements are published. Systematic magnetic observations have been re-established recently at Nantes on the lower Loire, and the results of the first complete year's work are now given. It appears that, in spite of the disturbance due to electric trams, which come within 450 metres of the Observatory at Nantes, there is satisfactory agreement between the two stations, which are in nearly the same latitude. For the year 1923 the range of the mean diurnal variation of declination was 6-46′ at Val-Joyeux and 6.33′ at Nantes; the corresponding figures for horizontal force were 167 and 167.

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