
The convergence tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER), upon the Andaman island arc–trench system is examined through an analysis of ETOPO2 bathymetry, satellite-derived free air gravity and seismic data. Oblique subduction and the buoyancy forces arising from subduction of the NER render the subduction processes near the Andaman arc highly complex. The bathymetric expression of the NER is visible up to Lat. 10°N but seismic reflection data indicate that it extends up to about Lat. 17°N. The gravity anomalies are strongly positive over the exposed segment of the ridge but are subdued over the buried portion. There is a prominent break in the continuity of the trench gravity low, where the NER seems to impinge upon the island arc. Further, a strong curvilinear belt of negative anomalies just behind and running parallel to the island arc, associated with the forearc basin, is a dominant feature of the gravity map. An offset in the continuity of this strong negative anomaly occurs at about the same latitude where the NER seems to be converging upon the island arc. Seismic reflection data indicate that the NER is very close to the trench. Flexural modeling of the gravity anomalies for the subducting Indian ocean lithosphere, loaded by sediments and the NER, indicates that the NER is at the starting phase of its collision with the island arc and may not have started affecting the subduction process itself. We infer that the en-echelon block structure of the NER in the proximity of the convergent zone is a consequence of complex strike-slip and subduction-related tectonic forces.

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