
Previous analysis showed that, in its initial phase, the geotropic response of Lens culinaris L. roots cannot be explained by a simple action by sliding, pressure or contact of amyloplasts on a sensitive surface located along the longitudinal wall. In this study another mode of action is tested by considering the following parameters as functions of the roots inclination: (1) the distance (d) which the amyloplasts move; (2) their number of contacts (mean c) with parietal cytoplasm; (3) the variable (sin alpha) of the transversal component of the statolith weight (mean M x g sin alpha). It is shown that the initial rate of curvature (mean V), at the various angles, is related to the sedimentation of the amyloplasts by the equation mean V = a log b mean d mean c sin alpha (where a and b are constants). The results obtained prove that the geotropic stimulation is dependent upon the sine of the angle (alpha) of the root inclination and explain the sine rule deviation. The role of statoliths is discussed in the light of recent literature on growth inhibitors which are involved in the geotropic reaction.

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