
Knowledge of geomorphic characteristics and sediment connectivity is critical in understanding basin-scale surface processes that include steep mountainous and flat lowlands, particularly if the mid-basin and downstream areas are densely populated and disaster-prone. However, the lack of fluvial and sediment connectivity studies in downstream portions of large rivers of South Asia (particularly Bangladesh), where upper basin morphodynamics, hydrology, and sediment flux highly influence the repeated sediment disasters, limits our understanding of the large-scale fluvial geomorphic processes and basin-scale sustainable river management. Therefore, this article attempts to characterize the morphometric and topographic features along with the spatial sediment connectivity pattern of the middle Brahmaputra River basin (Teesta, Torsa, and Manas basins) covering ~75,000 km2 that influences the hydro-geomorphic response of the deltaic landscape of lowland Bangladesh. This work considers a set of morphometric and topographic parameters including the stream network, longitudinal profiles, stream power index (SPI), and topographic wetness index (TWI) for geomorphometric characterization. The linkage between the sediment sources to downstream areas also has been evaluated with the sediment connectivity (IC) index to understand better the sediment dynamics of the middle Brahmaputra River basin, draining towards lowland Bangladesh from the basin's upstream countries of India and Bhutan. The result of this study demonstrates a highly potential hydro-geomorphic response of the downstream areas attributed to steep topography, steep channel longitudinal profiles, high rainfall, and high sediment connectivity in upstream regions. However, the low topography, presence of anthropogenic stressors, almost flat longitudinal channel profiles with limited change in elevation, and lowered sediment connectivity potential in the mid-to-downstream areas depicts sensitivity to the depositional processes therein, impacting the basin-scale geomorphic connectivity from the upstream to the downstream region. These results will be the basic information for exploring the large-scale hydro-geomorphic response and structural sediment dynamics to understand the complex geomorphological processes in the South Asia region, where the fluvial sedimentation process is not fully understood with limited accessibility for field-based investigations.

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