
We describe the geometry of all type II common sector backgrounds with two supersymmetries. In particular, we determine the spacetime geometry of those supersymmetric backgrounds for which each copy of the Killing spinor equations admits a Killing spinor. The stability subgroups of both Killing spinors are $Spin(7)\ltimes \bR^8$, $SU(4)\ltimes \bR^8$ and $G_2$ for IIB backgrounds, and $Spin(7)$, SU(4) and $G_2\ltimes \bR^8$ for IIA backgrounds. We show that the spacetime of backgrounds with spinors that have stability subgroup $K\ltimes \bR^8$ is a pp-wave propagating in an eight-dimensional manifold with a $K$-structure. The spacetime of backgrounds with $K$-invariant Killing spinors is a fibre bundle with fibre spanned by the orbits of two commuting null Killing vector fields and base space an eight-dimensional manifold which admits a $K$-structure. Type II T-duality interchanges the backgrounds with $K$- and $K\ltimes\bR^8$-invariant Killing spinors. We show that the geometries of the base space of the fibre bundle and the corresponding space in which the pp-wave propagates are the same. The conformal symmetry of the world-sheet action of type II strings propagating in these N=2 backgrounds can always be fixed in the light-cone gauge.

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