
AbstractWe consider the two logarithmic strain measures$$\begin{array}{ll} {\omega_{\mathrm{iso}}} = ||{{\mathrm dev}_n {\mathrm log} U} || = ||{{\mathrm dev}_n {\mathrm log} \sqrt{F^TF}}|| \quad \text{ and } \quad \\ {\omega_{\mathrm{vol}}} = |{{\mathrm tr}({\mathrm log} U)} = |{{\mathrm tr}({\mathrm log}\sqrt{F^TF})}| = |{\mathrm log}({\mathrm det} U)|\,,\end{array}$$ωiso=||devnlogU||=||devnlogFTF||andωvol=|tr(logU)=|tr(logFTF)|=|log(detU)|,which are isotropic invariants of the Hencky strain tensor$${\log U}$$logU, and show that they can be uniquely characterized by purely geometric methods based on the geodesic distance on the general linear group$${{\rm GL}(n)}$$GL(n). Here,$${F}$$Fis the deformation gradient,$${U=\sqrt{F^TF}}$$U=FTFis the right Biot-stretch tensor,$${\log}$$logdenotes the principal matrix logarithm,$${\| \cdot \|}$$‖·‖is the Frobenius matrix norm,$${\rm tr}$$tris the trace operator and$${{\text dev}_n X = X- \frac{1}{n} \,{\text tr}(X)\cdot {\mathbb{1}}}$$devnX=X-1ntr(X)·1is the$${n}$$n-dimensional deviator of$${X\in{\mathbb {R}}^{n \times n}}$$X∈Rn×n. This characterization identifies the Hencky (or true) strain tensor as the natural nonlinear extension of the linear (infinitesimal) strain tensor$${\varepsilon={\text sym}\nabla u}$$ε=sym∇u, which is the symmetric part of the displacement gradient$${\nabla u}$$∇u, and reveals a close geometric relation between the classical quadratic isotropic energy potential$$\mu {\| {\text dev}_n {\text sym} \nabla u \|}^2 + \frac{\kappa}{2}{[{\text tr}({\text sym} \nabla u)]}^2 = \mu {\| {\text dev}_n \varepsilon \|}^2 + \frac{\kappa}{2} {[{\text tr} (\varepsilon)]}^2$$μ‖devnsym∇u‖2+κ2[tr(sym∇u)]2=μ‖devnε‖2+κ2[tr(ε)]2in linear elasticity and the geometrically nonlinear quadratic isotropic Hencky energy$$\mu {\| {\text dev}_n log U \|}^2 + \frac{\kappa}{2}{[{\text tr}(log U)]}^2 = \mu {\omega_{{\text iso}}^2} + \frac{\kappa}{2}{\omega_{{\text vol}}^2},$$μ‖devnlogU‖2+κ2[tr(logU)]2=μωiso2+κ2ωvol2,where$${\mu}$$μis the shear modulus and$${\kappa}$$κdenotes the bulk modulus. Our deduction involves a new fundamental logarithmic minimization property of the orthogonal polar factor$${R}$$R, where$${F=RU}$$F=RUis the polar decomposition of$${F}$$F. We also contrast our approach with prior attempts to establish the logarithmic Hencky strain tensor directly as the preferred strain tensor in nonlinear isotropic elasticity.


  • This characterization identifies the Hencky strain tensor as the natural nonlinear extension of the linear strain tensor ε = sym ∇u, which is the symmetric part of the displacement gradient ∇u, and reveals a close geometric relation between the classical quadratic isotropic energy potential μ devn sym ∇u

  • For the linear strain tensor ε = sym ∇u, which is the quadratic isotropic elastic energy, that is the canonical model of isotropic linear elasticity with σ = D∇u Wlin(∇u) = 2μ devn ε + κ tr(ε) · 1

  • By equation (42), apart from computing the geodesic distance of F to SO(n), we have shown that the orthogonal polar factor R = polar(F) is an element of best approximation to F in SO(n)

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The corresponding family of spatial strain tensors

By our definition, a strain measure attains zero if and only if F ∈ SO(n), a simple geometric approach is to consider a distance function on the group GL+(n) of admissible deformation gradients, that is a function dist : GL+(n) × GL+(n) → [0, ∞) with dist(A, B) = dist(B, A) which satisfies the triangle inequality and vanishes if and only if its arguments are identical.9 Such a distance function induces a “natural” strain measure on GL+(n) by means of the distance to the special orthogonal group SO(n): ω(F) := dist(F, SO(n)) := inf dist(F, Q). The search for an appropriate strain measure reduces to the task of finding a natural, intrinsic distance function on GL+(n)

The search for appropriate strain measures
The Euclidean strain measure in linear isotropic elasticity
12 The distance can also be computed directly: since
The Euclidean strain measure in nonlinear isotropic elasticity
The Riemannian Strain Measure in Nonlinear Isotropic Elasticity
Alternative Motivations for the Logarithmic Strain
The exponentiated Hencky energy
Related geodesic distances
A.1: Notation
A.2: Linear stress-strain relations in nonlinear elasticity
A.3: Tensors and tangent spaces
A.4: Additional computations
A.6: A short biography of Heinrich Hencky
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