
Abstract Skin effect that all eigenmodes within a frequency range become edge states is dictated by the topological properties of complex eigenvalues unique in non-Hermitian systems. The prevailing attempts to realize such a fascinating effect are confined to either one-dimensional or nonreciprocal systems exhibiting asymmetric couplings. Here, inspired by a recent model Hamiltonian theory, we propose a realistic reciprocal two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal (PhC) system that shows the desired skin effect. Specifically, we establish a routine for designing such non-Hermitian systems via revealing the inherent connections between the nontrivial eigenvalue topology of order-2 exceptional points (EPs) and the skin effects. Guided by the proposed strategy, we successfully design a 2D PhC that possesses the EPs with nonzero eigenvalue winding numbers. The spectral area along a specific wavevector direction is then formed by leveraging the symmetry of the macroscopic geometry and the unit cell. The projected-band-structure calculations are performed to demonstrate that the desired skin effect exists at the specific crystalline interfaces. We finally employ time-domain simulations to vividly illustrate this phenomenon by exciting a pulse at the center of a finite-sized PhC. Our results form a solid basis for further experimental confirmations and applications of the skin effect.

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