
We consider the propagation of flexural waves across a nearly flat, thin membrane, whose stress-free state is curved. The stress-free configuration is specified by a quenched height field, whose Fourier components are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with power-law variance. Gaussian curvature couples the in-plane stretching to out-of-plane bending. Integrating out the faster stretching modes yields a wave equation for undulations in the presence of an effective random potential, determined purely by geometry. We show that at long times and lengths, the undulation intensity obeys a diffusion equation. The diffusion coefficient is found to be frequency dependent and sensitive to the quenched height field distribution. Finally, we consider the effect of coherent backscattering corrections, yielding a weak localization correction that decreases the diffusion coefficient proportional to the logarithm of the system size, and induces a localization transition at large amplitude of the quenched height field. The localization transition is confirmed via a self-consistent extension to the strong disorder regime.

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