
In this work, we propose the elastoplastic model of a three-dimensional (3D) geometrically exact beam, which can capture localized bending deformation leading to a plastic hinge. This is a follow-up work to Tojaga et al. (2023), where we only studied the fracture of fiber-like beam structures that break in mode I or mode II, here extended to handle beam-like behavior with bending failure and the main difficulty of the non-vectorial character of large 3D rotations. The Reissner model is chosen for representing the large elastic and large plastic deformations of such a beam model, which leads to the multiplicative decomposition of the rotation tensor. We shown how to replace this with the corresponding additive decomposition of the rotation vector derivatives, to be performed in the material description in the tangent space of SO(3) manifold in the initial configuration. The plasticity model for which we give a more detailed implementation employs a Rankin-like multi-surface plasticity criteria, where each moment vector component (i.e. torsion or bending) is considered separately. The non-local variational formulation is proposed to deal with the softening phenomena characteristic of localized bending failure, where the fracture energy is introduced as the main parameter for softening. The discrete approximation is built in terms of the embedded-discontinuity finite element method (ED-FEM), which introduces a jump in rotation vector that can be handled at the level of a particular beam element. This kind of approach builds upon the best approximation property of the FEM discrete approximation in the energy norm and provides the best-approximation property for the dissipated energy computations, and thus optimal computational accuracy if the quantity of interest is inelastic dissipation. The computations are carried out by the operator split method, which separates the computations of global state variables (displacements and moments) from local (plastic curvature) variables. Several illustrative examples are provided to confirm an excellent performance of the proposed methodology.

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