
Abstract In this paper, the geometrical characteristics of Pléiades 1A satellite imagery (both single and stereo) are analysed. At first the process of digital surface model (DSM) extraction from a Pléiades 1A stereo pair is described and analysed. After that geometric an accuracy of imagery, orthorectified using the extracted DSM and using the SRTM (Shuttle radar topographic mission) was analysed. The Pléiades 1A stereo pair was acquired on October 22, 2012 from the same orbital pass over an urban zone (Kiev, Ukraine). The study area is heterogeneous: there are both built-up and flat areas. The iImage orientation, DSM extraction and orthorectified images generation were performed using the PCI Geomatica 2013 software. The results showed that a strong, positive correlation between reference-derived elevations and DSM-derived elevations can be observed, and the orthorectified image accuracy, generated using that DSM, approximately equal to 1 m can be achieved using a bias compensation sensor model. Different sensor models were used for orthorectification using the SRTM. In this case, the geometric accuracy is а function of a chosen sensor model and a number of ground control points (GCP).

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