
QR code is a very popular type of 2D barcode. In practice, QR code is an image which consists of black and white patterns. QR code is capable of carrying alphanumerical message embedded using Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm. The coded content carries messages aimed for various purposes. When scanned with today omnipresent smart devices, with camera and software, the message is processed and various actions are performed. More than 20 actions are standardized. Many applications are available in various application stores that fulfill the actions. We have carried out a sequence of experiments with introduction of QR code into digital media, mainly TV. QR code is one possible solution for direct interface between TV picture and smart device. TV picture is representing the TV program as one electronic media, and smart device is a gate towards Internet and other numerous activities. QR code must be incorporated in TV picture in such a manner that it does not disturb the TV viewers who are not interested in processing the encoded information, and in the same time it must be visible and quickly and easily decodable. In this paper, we propose a set of geometric modifications of the QR code design, combined with color modifications and introduction of transparency. Four aspects of modifications were analyzed and examples are presented showing the final outcome: QR code which is easily integrated into the TV picture.

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