
Each point x in Gr(r,n) corresponds to an r×n matrix Ax which gives rise to a matroid Mx on its columns. Gel'fand, Goresky, MacPherson, and Serganova showed that the sets {y∈Gr(r,n)|My=Mx} form a stratification of Gr(r,n) with many beautiful properties. However, results of Mnëv and Sturmfels show that these strata can be quite complicated, and in particular may have arbitrary singularities. We study the ideals Ix of matroid varieties, the Zariski closures of these strata. We construct several classes of examples based on theorems from projective geometry and describe how the Grassmann-Cayley algebra may be used to derive non-trivial elements of Ix geometrically when the combinatorics of the matroid is sufficiently rich.

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