
We study the finite-temperature dynamics of thin elastic sheets in a single-clamped cantilever configuration. This system is known to exhibit a tilt transition at which the preferred mean plane of the sheet shifts from horizontal to a plane above or below the horizontal. The resultant thermally roughened two-state (up/down) system possesses rich dynamics on multiple timescales. In the tilted regime a finite-energy barrier separates the spontaneously chosen up state from the inversion-symmetric down state. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm that, over sufficiently long time, such thermalized elastic sheets transition between the two states, residing in each for a finite dwell time. One might expect that temperature is the primary driver for tilt inversion. We find, instead, that the primary control parameter, at fixed tilt order parameter, is the dimensionless and purely geometrical aspect ratio of the clamped width to the total length of the otherwise-free sheet. Using a combination of an effective mean-field theory and Kramers' theory, we derive the transition rate and examine its asymptotic behavior. At length scales beyond a material-dependent thermal length scale, renormalization of the elastic constants qualitatively modifies the temperature response. In particular, the transition is suppressed by thermal fluctuations, enhancing the robustness of the tilted state. We check and supplement these findings with further molecular dynamics simulations for a range of aspect ratios and temperatures.

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