
In this paper we exhibit a one-parameter family of new Taub-NUT instantons parameterized by a half-line. The endpoint of the half-line will be the reducible Yang-Mills instanton corresponding to the Eguchi-Hanson-Gibbons L^2 harmonic 2-form, while at an inner point we recover the Pope-Yuille instanton constructed as a projection of the Levi-Civita connection onto the positive su(2) subalgebra of the Lie algebra so(4). Our method imitates the Jackiw-Nohl-Rebbi construction originally designed for flat R^4. That is we find a one-parameter family of harmonic functions on the Taub-NUT space with a point singularity, rescale the metric and project the obtained Levi-Civita connection onto the other negative su(2) subalgebra of so(4). Our solutions will possess the full U(2) symmetry, and thus provide more solutions to the recently proposed U(2) symmetric ansatz of Kim and Yoon.

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