
The problem of mining steep coal beds is discussed. The materials include a study of the mechanism of movement of the undermined mass, investigation of the change in rock pressure depending on mining and geological factors, including with increase of depth of mining operations, evaluation of the technologies and means of mechanization being used with respect to geomechanical conditions, scientific and technical substantiation of new technologies and means of large-scale mechanization, pilot-scale tests, and recommendations on the further improvement of technologies and equipment for mining steep beds. The geomechanical conditions of mining steep coal beds are characterized by the mechanism and intensity of manifestations of rock pressure, which are determined by the geological and mining conditions. The successful use of a particular mining method depends mainly on how correctly is solved the problem of controlling the rock pressure, which constitutes the geomechanical basis of the technological schemes. In turn, the problem of pressure control can be solved correctly only in the case of a clear understanding of what is the mechanism of its manifestations depending on the geological and mining factors.

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