
This study reports on the physical, mechanical, mineralogical and geochemical analysis carried out on four lateritic hardpan specimens from quarries in the Bamendjou area in the Western Region of Cameroon using common prescribed procedures. The results indicate that values of the bulk density, specific gravity, total and open porosities are very variable from one specimen to another. Meanwhile, the value of the compressive strengths of both the dry and immersed specimens were also very variable from one specimen to another, with the F2 and F1 specimens having higher values than the A1 and A2 specimens. All the specimens immersed in water recorded lower compressive strengths than the dry specimens. The flexural strengths also varied from one sample to another, with the F2 specimen having the highest resistance. The X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the major peaks were assigned to gibbsite, goethite, and hematite, while the minor peaks were assigned to kaolinite and anatase. The mineralogy and geochemistry influenced the physical and mechanical properties, with the iron rich specimens having higher values in both the physical and mechanical properties than the alumina rich specimens. The results of the compressive strengths obtained were higher than (1–4) MPa obtained in Burkina Faso and India where they have been using latertic blocks for construction. Thus the hardpans of Bamendjou can also be exploited for building purposes conveniently.

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