
This paper presents a shale gas field geomechanics case study in the Peri-Baltic Syneclise (northern Poland). Polish Oil and Gas Company drilled a vertical well, W-1, and stimulated the Silurian target. Next, a horizontal well, W-2H, drilled the Ordovician target and partially collapsed. The remaining interval was stimulated, and microseismic monitoring was performed. A second horizontal well, W-3H, was drilled at the same azimuth as W-2H, but the well collapsed in the upper horizontal section (Silurian). A geomechanical earth model was constructed that matches the drilling experiences and well failure observations found in wells W-1, W-2H, and W-3H. The field was found to be in a strike-slip faulting stress regime, heavily fractured, with weak bedding contributing to the observed drilling problems. An analysis of safe mud weights, optimal casing setting depths, and optimal drilling directions was carried out for a planned well, W-4H. Specific recommendations are made to further enhance the model in any future studies. These recommendations include data acquisition and best practices for the planned well.

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