
The rocks that floor the Norton basin are most likely of Precambrian and Paleozoic age, like those that crop out around the basin. A maximum of 6.5 km of mainly Cenozoic rocks lies over basement in the basin. I believe that alluvial fans are present deep in the basin and border major basement fault blocks. These fans are the lowest units of the basin fill in many areas and probably consist of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleogene, coal- and volcanic-rich rocks. Mainly clastic nonmarine sedimentary rocks overlie the fan deposits. The Neogene and Quaternary basin rocks apparently were deposited in a marine environment. The Norton basin comprises two structural areas that are separated by a major northwest-striking horst. The first structural area lies west of this horst, where major normal faults strike northwest to form local areas where the basin is as deep as 5.0 km. The second area, east of the horst, includes major normal faults that strike east and northeast; the deepest part of the Norton basin (6.5 km) lies there. During the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, basement rocks now beneath the Norton basin were affected by the orogeny that formed the Brooks Range. These basement rocks were metamorphosed and thrust, and then eroded deeply nearly 50 m.y. before the basin began to form. In the middle Late Cretaceous, the area of the eastern Seward Peninsula and eastern Norton Sound was subjected to east-west compression and consequent eastward thrusting. During the latest Cretaceous and early Paleogene, the compression gave way to regional extension that formed northeast-trending grabens onshore, east of Norton basin. I believe that the Norton basin most likely formed in response to this regional extension. Initial deepening of the basin was controlled by major normal faults and occurred rapidly, whe eas later subsidence was slower and more regional in scale. End_of_Article - Last_Page 569------------

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