
New mapping at Anglesea coal mine, and coal resource and deep groundwater drilling have provided new perspectives on the economically important Eastern View Group coal bearing sedimentary succession in the onshore Torquay Basin. In the Anglesea Syncline, the upper 35 m thick brown coal seam of the Eastern View Group is overlain by a low angle unconformity. Units overlying the coal seams include high energy, cross cutting sand channels of the Boonah Formation and lower energy channel and interchannel systems of the overlying Salt Creek and Anglesea Formations. The mine section can be correlated from borehole data with the Eastern View Group and Demons Bluff Group exposed in coastal cliff sections along the adjacent Anglesea to Torquay coast. Recently drilled coal and groundwater exploration bores provide new data on the extent of the coal measures in the Anglesea area, and details of the underlying Tertiary succession that include typical Otway Basin units such as the Pember Mudstone and Pebble Point Formations. The stratigraphy below the coal measures suggests that the Otway Ranges were not present during Palaeogene times. The rank of the brown coals on and around the Otway Ranges is higher than any other Tertiary coals in onshore Victoria, and they preserve similar patterns of rank distribution to the high rank black coals in the underlying Lower Cretaceous Otway Group. Evidence for large overburden thicknesses is lacking, and the high ranks may have been augmented by higher than normal geothermal gradients in the Early Tertiary. Comparisons between the observed depositional cycles, sequence stratigraphic cycles, and worldwide coastal onlap curves suggest that the observed disconformity boundaries are sequence boundaries that provide a chronostratigraphic framework. Sequences present may include TB4.1–4.5 in the overburden units, and TB 2.4–3.6 in the coal bearing interval.

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