
Abstract The Aetna gas field is in Franklin and Logan Counties, Arkansas. In 1955, Athletic Mining and Smelting Company drilled the No. 1 Mantooth, Sec. 15, T. 8 N., R. 27 W., as the discovery well for the deep Atoka and Morrow gas reserves. The wildcat was drilled to 5,700 ft and was a triple-zone completion. As of September 1966, a total of 57 tests had been drilled. Drilling depths range from 1,800 ft in the upper Atoka to 8,800 ft in the Morrow. Multizone completions are common throughout the field. The field produced 12,755 million cu ft of gas during 1965 and the overall cumulative total was 70.8 billion cu ft. The natural gas from the Aetna field is almost 98 per cent methane. Reserves of individual wells range from 1 billion to more than 25 billion cu ft. The horizontal field limits are not defined fully, although production on the west and northwest now has merged with development drilling from Peter Pender (T. 8 N., R. 28 W.) and the vast Cecil field (T. 9 N., Rs. 27-29 W.). Trapping is effected by structure, faulting, and stratigraphic pinchouts. The pre-Mississippian rocks have not been tested on the crest of the Aetna anticline.

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