
The Kipawa Syenite Complex, a thin, folded sheet of amphibole syenite, quartz syenite and minor nepheline syenite, lies along a west-vergent thrust separating a lower slice comprising the Kikwissi granodiorite and biotite tonalite dated at 2717 +15–11 Ma, and unconformably overlying metasedimentary rocks from an overlying slice containing the Red Pine Chute orthogneiss, an alkali granite gneiss, and the Mattawa Quartzite. The syenite complex, dated at 1033 ± 3 Ma, lies within the lower slice but has metasomatically altered the overlying slice. Texturally guided U–Pb spot analyses on partially metasomatised zircons from the alkali granite gneiss yield a cluster of 207Pb/206Pb ages at 1389 ± 8 Ma, interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization and four ages overlapping the time of syenite emplacement, interpreted as in situ, metasomatic growth. The highest structural slice comprises garnet amphibolite separated from lower slices by the Allochthon Boundary Thrust. Metamorphic grade increases upward from greenschist grade in the biotite tonalite to amphibolite grade (690 °C, 9 kbar (1 kbar = 100 MPa)) at the lower boundary of the alkali granite. Emplacement of the Kipawa Syenite Complex took place after assembly of the thrust stack had begun and after emplacement of the allochthon or hot slab responsible for the inverted metamorphic gradient. Origin of the syenite is tentatively ascribed to anatexis of material metasomatized by flow of alkaline solutions along a major shear surface. Crystallization of new zircon in the margins of the syenite shows that metasomatism continued from ca. 1035 to 990 Ma, redistributing alkalies, fluorine, rare-earth elements and zirconium.

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