
The tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Arakan Yoma Orogen wi th the Naga and th e Chin Hill s, positi oned between th e Sunda arc and th e Himalayas, is vital in th e framework of convergence of the Indi an plate with Asia. The Orogen is flanked to th e west by the Assam-Burma Cretaceous-Tertiary turbidite-molas e basin and furth er west by the Meghalaya (S hillong) Plateau; to th e east by the Mesozoic-Cenozo ic Cenu·at Burman molasse basin and th e Shan-Tenasserim block east of th e Shan Boundary Fault. From the above tectono-stratigraphic sett in g it is surmised that the present ire of aga Hills - Ar­ akan Yoma- Chin Hills has been marked by a meridjonally trending spit of l<md projecting south ward fro m th e Angara land during Palaeozoic time forming Archipelagos of i land made of basement rocks, th e western s lope of whi ch fe ll away into th e Assam-Bunna trough having oceanic floor in front of th e subductin g Indian Plate. On its ea tern side, ed iments were deposited over a submerged peneplained(?) Pre-Cambrian metamorphic ba ement volcan ic line representing supra Benioff sei mk zone volcanic front. Continuous diastrophism, along a N-S arc uate axis, of the basinal sedim ents on either s ide of the Arakan Yoma and grad ual upheaval of th e same s in ce Eocene indicate th at tJ1i s belt has been under constant and uneven E- W compressive stress du e to eastward subducti on of th e In dia Plate. The peak of deformation and upheaval had been at the close of Oli gocene shapin g th e mega fab ri c of the Arakan Yoma te ctogene. The Bouguer gravity anomaly contou rs run parallel to the axis of the sed imentary basin and th e fold belts. Max im um negative value contours running adjacent to the flysch trough and th e ophiolite belt, 0-anomally contour (po. itive by contrast) along the vo lcani c lin e and the eastward dip of th e seismic zone also uggest th at th e lndian plate has been subductin g eastward be low th e Shan­ Tenasserim bl ock since Eocene.

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