
Polygenic stratiform deposits are the largest in the world in terms of barite and manganese reserves, as well as lead and zinc reserves. In the mineral resource complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they are of great importance and are distinguished as an independent genetic Atasu type. In the article, the deposits of the Zhailma graben-syncline in a large riftogenic structure are considered as a reference for the Atasu type. The geological structure of the Bestobe stratiform polymetallic deposit located in the eastern part of the Zhailma synclinorium is presented. The stratigraphy of ore formations, mineralization features, morphology of the ore body and the pattern of zoning the distribution of elements in the ore-bearing rocks of the Bestobe deposit are shown. A feature of the deposit is the combination of layered iron-manganese and lead-zinc ores and superimposed zinc-lead-barite mineralization; the sharply subordinate role of hydrothermal-sedimentary ores in the total reserves of lead and zinc; comparative abundance of lead, copper and silver sulfosalts. The analysis of the materials indicates that mineralization at the Bestobe deposit is complex. Its main value is polymetallic ores. The role of iron ore mineralization of the deposit is insignificant. Manganese mineralization is practically absent. Polymetallic ores are conventionally subdivided into lead-zinc-barite, lead-barite, barite and lead-zinc. Strontium is a constant impurity in barites. Lead is mainly concentrated in galena; its insignificant amount is found in geocronite, boulangerite, jamsonite, bournonite, cerussite, anglesite, pyromorphite, plumboyarosite. The bulk of zinc is concentrated in the form of sphalerite.

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