
The unconventional uranium deposit at Itataia, Ceara State is in the Upper Precambrian/Cambrian mobile belt of northeastern Brazil. This part of the Brazilian Platform comprises Precambrian metasedimentary gneisses and migmatites, which were deformed first during the Transamazonian Cycle (2100-1800 Ma ago) and again during the Brazilian Cycle (1000-550 Ma ago). Major tectonic lineaments, reactivated during the younger cycle, became preferred sites of tensional relaxation between stable blocks and intrusion of post-orogenic granites. This tectonic province is characterized by the widespread association of uranium and phosphorus with episyenites. The two most important deposits are at Itataia and at Espinhares in Paraiba State. At Espinhares mineralization occurred in gneisses and granite, whereas at Itataia it occurred mostly in marble. The main difference between these two deposits is that at Itataia a latest stage of mineralization formed uranium-rich collophanite. Reserves (measured, indicated and inferred) there in 1980 were 122,150 tonnes U 3O 8 and 13 million tonnes P 2O 5.

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