
The giant Zijinshan Cu-Au deposit in the Zijinshan orefield, Fujian Province, southeastern China, is the first high-sulfidation epithermal deposit identified in mainland China. The Cu and Au orebodies occur as veins and pods in the NW-trending faults and breccias zones. Intensive and pervasive alteration is characterized by downward and outward zoning from intensively leached silicic alteration (or vuggy quartz, Q), through alunite-quartz-pyrite alteration (advanced aragillic alteration, Q-Alu) and the quartz-alunite alteration overprinting the sericite alteration (Q-Alu-Di-Srt), to sericite (or phyllic) alteration zone. Gold mineralization mainly occurs in the silicic alteration zone, while the copper mineralization is confined in the alunite-quartz alteration zone. On the basis of detailed petrographic study, an early porphyry type mineralization stage, characterized by chalcopyrite-bornite-molybdenite-pyrite-sericite assemblage is recognized at Zijinshan, which is subsequently and strongly overprinted by the sulfate alteration and high-sulfidation Cu-Au mineralization stages. A supergene stage is also identified at shallow depth of the deposit, with gold largely enriched but copper commonly leached. The ore-forming fluids related to the early sericite alteration and possibly porphyry type mineralization are high-temperature, high-salinity magmatic water, characterized by the presence of the halite-bearing inclusions. The CO2-H2O (C-type) inclusions are mostly vapor-rich and abundantly identified in the samples with advance argillic alteration (alunite alteration). They are regarded to be the buoyant vapor phase by fluid boiling of a single-phase, low- to moderate-salinity magmatic fluid at depth, where a separated saline phase and related porphyry mineralization might be expected. A group of secondary inclusions coexisting with enargite grains are recognized in the samples with alunite alteration and suggested to be trapped from the ore-forming fluids of the Cu-Au mineralization stage. The total homogenization temperatures and salinities of the secondary inclusions are below 300°C (peaking at 260–280°C) and under 10wt% NaCl eqv., respectively. Intensive fluid boiling is the major mechanism for the formation of the giant high-sulfidation Cu (covellite-, digenite-dominated) orebodies in the Zijinshan deposit. It is a deep-seated high-sulfidation epithermal deposit according to the estimated depth of 1.4–2.1km from the C-type inclusions in quartz grains from the alunite alteration zone. By fluid inclusion mapping of a nearly NW-trending cross section profile, the isotherms are extrapolated using the average total homogenization temperatures and the possible heat source is suggested. It is indicated that the heat source and possible concealed porphyry mineralization nearly coeval to the high-sulfidation Cu-Au mineralization at Zijinshan might be located at the southeastern Zijinshan deposit or the northern area between the Zijinshan and Wuziqilong deposits, where deep drilling is encouraged.

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