
Relevance of the work. The paper considers challenging problems related with outlining of intervals with oil and gas presence in the mature Khylly field by use of latest 3D seismic survey techniques in order to gain larger crude resources base. The purpose of this research is to discover the most promising intervals of target horizons with relatively high reservoir properties outlined by 3D seismic data. The subjects of research are 3D seismic survey data, downhole seismic survey – Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) and well logging diagrams. The object of research is the Khylly deposit. The paper describes in brief geological and geophysical characteristics, stratigraphic and lithological features of rocks making the section. It is noted that despite repeated surveys by use of various geological and geophysical techniques, the field setting is not thoroughly studied and it has been covered by 3D seismic survey in 2012. Research results. 3D seismic survey applied across Khylly area is resulted in drawing of 4 structural maps for III and I horizons of Productive Series (PS), Akchagyl and Lower Absheron suites. Taking into account the relevance of structural planes of various stratigraphic levels and III horizon of PS being one of the major reference horizons the paper gives description of structural map drawn for this horizon. The detailed velocity model is designed based on VSP data with wide use of velocity analysis data. It has been made clear that Khylly area has block structure and each block has been described in detail. Based on acquired data it has been recommended to drill exploratory well R-1. Conclusion. Processing and interpretation of seismic data are aimed at solving some geological problems; the main task was to obtain results that ensure the study of the geological structure in the seismic survey area, including tracing of seismic horizons, faults and outlining the areas and section intervals which may be of interest due to possible oil and gas presence. VSP data acquired in well 2012 and velocity analysis made it possible to design velocity model of the section under the study, with the use of which the temporary 3D cube was transformed into a depth cube. The quality of seismic data is good and made it possible to solve the tasks set for this research.


  • The paper considers challenging problems related with outlining of intervals with oil and gas presence in the mature Khylly field by use of latest 3D seismic survey techniques in order to gain larger crude resources base

  • Research results. 3D seismic survey applied across Khylly area is resulted in drawing of 4 structural maps for III and I horizons of Productive Series (PS), Akchagyl and Lower Absheron suites

  • The detailed velocity model is designed based on Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) data with wide use of velocity analysis data

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В районе Нефтчала–Дуздаг проводилась магнитометрическая съемка, по результатам интерпретации данных которой было высказано мнение о наличии в районе Хыллынской площади самостоятельной складки, отделяющейся от Нефтчалинской антиклинали четко выраженной седловиной, которая расположена между грязевыми вулканами Дуздаг и Кичик Пильпиля. В геологическом строении участвуют отложения снизу вверх: продуктивная толща (ПТ), агчагыл, апшерон, бакинский горизонт, древнекаспийские отложения и современные отложения. Данный разрез изучен по керновым образцам и каротажным материалам, и по литологии не отличается от таковых на площадях Бабазанан и Нефтечала. Разрез ПТ вскрыт на глубину около 2400–2500 м, считая от кровли. Древнекаспийские отложения, включающие тюркянский и бакинские ярусы, состоят из неравномерных чередований серых, серо-бурых толстостенных глин с серыми рыхлыми, крупно- и среднезернистыми песками. Средняя мощность бакинского яруса составляет 70 м.

Цель исследования
Описание геологического строения площади исследований
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