
Julietta is a rich epithermal gold-silver deposit of the low-sulfidation, adularia-sericite type, located in the Cretaceous Okhotsk-Chukchi volcanic-plutonic belt 250 km northeast of Magadan. The deposit was discovered in 1989 by a regional soil geochemical survey in an area previously considered barren on the basis of a regional stream-sediment survey. The deposit has not been completely explored, but presently is in the feasibility stage; proven reserves are 26 metric tons of Au (grades averaging 23 g/t) and the Au/Ag ratio is about 1:10. The deposit occurs on the periphery of a large volcanic-tectonic depression. Host andesite, andesite-basalt lava, corresponding subvolcanic bodies, and tuff are cut by Early Cretaceous quartz diorite stocks. Six vein zones occur in tensional and compression fissures. Ore shoots and smaller bonanzas comprising most of the gold reserves are located in flexures of the ore-host fissures. Ore mineralization was preceded by intense voluminous propylitization and linear seric...

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