
The Geological History of Cenozoic Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic - An Introduction.- Physiography and Plate Tectonics of the Polar Deep-Sea Basins and Their Continental Margins.- Morphology and Plate Tectonics: The Modern Polar Oceans.- The Opening of the Arctic Ocean.- On the Tectonic Evolution and Paleoceanographic Significance of the Fram Strait Gateway.- The Evolution of the Svalbard Margins: Synthesis and New Results.- The Western Barents Sea During the Cenozoic.- Structures in Rift-Basin Sediments on the Conjugate Margins of Western Tasmania, South Tasman Rise, and Ross Sea, Antarctica.- A Fine-Scale Seismic Stratigraphy of the Eastern Margin of the Weddell Sea.- Some Speculations Regarding the Nature of the Explora-Andenes Escarpment, Weddell Sea.- Polar Ice - Covers as Geological Agents.- A Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice and the Effects of Different Properties on Sea Ice Biota.- Sea Ice Characteristics and the Role of Sediment Inclusions in Deep-Sea Deposition: Arctic - Antarctic Comparisons.- Cycles, Rhythms, and Events in Quaternary Arctic and Antarctic Glaciomarine Deposits.- Cenozoic Glacier Fluctuations in Polar Regions - Terrestrial Records From Antarctica and the North Atlantic Sector of the Arctic.- Past Changes in Precipitation Rate and Ice Thickness as Derived From Age - Depth Profiles in Ice-Sheets Application to Greenland and Canadian Arctic Ice Core Records.- Stability of the Arctic Ocean Ice-Cover and Pleistocene Warming Events: Outlining the Problem.- Late Weichselian Ice Recession in the Central Barents Sea.- Modern Depositional Environments of Polar Oceans.- Distribution Patterns of Calcareous Foraminifers in Arctic Ocean Sediments.- Physiographic and Biologic Factors Controlling Surface Sediment Distribution in the Fram Strait.- Norwegian - Iceland Seas: Transfer Functions Between Marine Planktic Diatoms and Surface Water Temperature.- Particle Sedimentation and Productivity in Antarctic Waters of the Atlantic Sector.- Sediment Patterns in the Southern Weddell Sea: Filchner Shelf and Filchner Depression.- Quaternary History and Paleoceanography of Polar Oceans.- The Last Deglaciation in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres: A Comparison Based on Oxygen Isotope, Sea Surface Temperature Estimates, and Accelerator 14C Dating From Deep-Sea Sediments.- Synthesis of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Coccolith Biochronology and History of North Atlantic Drift Water Influx During the Last 500.000 Years.- Coccoliths in Sediments of the Eastern Arctic Basin.- Foraminiferal Assemblages in Sediments From Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean.- Physical and Acoustic Properties of Arctic Ocean Deep-Sea Sediments: Paleoclimatic Implications.- High Resolution 10Be and 230Th Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments From the Fram Strait (Core 23235).- The Enigma of Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 in the Central Fram Strait.- Dropstones in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea - Indications of Late Quaternary Circulation Patterns?.- Glacial to Interglacial Changes in the Isotopic Gradients of Southern Ocean Surface Water.- Stable Isotope Record and Late Quaternary Sedimentation Rates at the Antarctic Continental Margin.- Pre-Quaternary Records of Polar Ocean History.- Evolution of Biosiliceous Sedimentation Patterns - Eocene through Quaternary: Paleoceanographic Response to Polar Cooling.- Neogene to Recent Palynostratigraphy of Circum-Arctic Basins: Results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, Leg 105, Baffin Bay, and DSDP Site 611, Irminger Sea.- Miocene to Quaternary Paleoceanography in the Northern North Atlantic: Variability in Carbonate and Biogenic Opal Accumulation.- Neogene and Pleistocene Glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere and Late Miocene - Pliocene Global Ice Volume Fluctuations: Evidence From the Norwegian Sea.- Southern Ocean Response to the Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation at 2.4 Ma.- Pliocene - Pleistocene Paleoceanography in the Weddell Sea - Siliceous Microfossil Evidence.- Polar Front Fluctuations and the Upper Gauss to Brunhes Paleoceanographic Record in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean.- Authors Index.

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