
Tamgiang-Bachma area (about 1600km2) is located in Thuathienhue province, which has many outstanding values comprising geological heritages. The results show that the area has high geodiversity. Within the area, 115 geosites have been established and they can be classified into 8 groups as follows: (1) Paleontology, (2) geomorphology and landscape, (3) paleoenvironment, (4) rocky, (5) stratigraphy, (6) economic geology, (7) structural geology, and (8) geological history. The Geological heritage can initially be divided into 3 categories, including: (a) International (5 geosites), (b) National (41 geosites), and (c) Local (69 geosites). In particular, the Tam Giang-Cau Hai largoon, the sandbars covering outside of largoon and Bach Ma Mountain are considered as unique areas of geo-diversity are highly evaluated as importantce for sience, education and geotourism.

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