
The Honghuagou Au deposit is located in the Chifeng-Chaoyang region within the northern margin of the North China Craton. The auriferous quartz veins are mainly hosted in the mafic gneiss and migmatite of the Neoarchean Xiaotazigou Formation along NNW- and NE-striking faults, with pyrite as the predominant ore mineral. The gold mineralization process can be divided into two stages, involving stage I quartz-pyrite and stage II quartz-calcite-polymetallic sulfide. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) have been identified in the Honghuagou deposit, namely, carbonic inclusions, aqueous‑carbonic inclusions, and aqueous inclusions. Quartz of stage I contains all types of FIs, whereas only aqueous inclusions are evident in stage II veins. The FIs of stages I and II yield homogenization temperatures of 275–340 °C and 240–290 °C with salinities of 3.4–10.7 wt% and 1.4–9.7 wt% NaCl eqv., respectively. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by medium temperature and low salinity, belonging to the H2O–NaCl–CO2 system. The δ18OH2O values of the ore fluids are between 2.1‰ and 5.9‰, within the range of enriched mantle-derived fluids in the North China Craton. The carbon isotope compositions of calcite (δ13CPDB = −4.4‰ to −4‰) are also similar to mantle carbon. He-Ar isotope data (3He/4He = 0.38–0.44 Ra; 40Ar/36Ar = 330–477) of fluid inclusions in pyrite indicate a mixed crustal and mantle source for the ore-forming fluids. Whereas, S-Pb isotope compositions of sulfides reveal that ore metals are principally derived from crustal rocks. On the basis of available geological and geochemical evidence, we suggest that the Honghuagou deposit is an orogenic gold deposit.

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