
Tunnelling in complex geological strata is a challenging task that can affect the performance of shield machines and result in unexpected hazards. Therefore, extensive knowledge of unfavourable environments and shield operational parameters is essential for ensuring successful and safe tunnelling. This study aims to analyse the geological and hydrological conditions of the Chunfeng Tunnel and present the key construction technologies of a large slurry shield machine when crossing complex strata. To this end, attempts were made to (i) discuss the geological and environmental challenges encountered during the tunnelling process and present some early interpretations based on the database information, (ii) analyse the factors affecting tunnel performance and simulate the ground surface settlement along the tunnel alignment and (iii) discuss the countermeasures under adverse ground conditions and propose future directions. The results revealed that tunnelling in fault zones with soft upper and hard lower strata led to severe wear of disc cutters and controlling the tunnelling parameters could provide a suitable method for adjusting the construction process. This study leveraged extensive experience gained during tunnelling using a large slurry shield machine, with special emphasis on mixed ground strata, by providing valuable insights and suggested responses for effective tunnelling strategies.

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