
The article considers the principles of mapping, assessment of the state and degree of water bodies technogenic changes. Water bodies are represented as certain combinations of various levels lability and patterns of development geosystems – the aquatic landscape. The concept of landscape allows us to operate not with a variety of water environment factors, but with certain combinations of landscape-forming factors. Mapping and testing of aquatic landscapes make it possible to assess and normalize the anthropogenic influence not only on separate components, but also on natural complexes as a whole. Studies indicate a high degree of petroleum products and nitrogen of silts in the port zone of the Tsemesskaya Bay contamination due to the activities of the oil pumping infrastructure and ship power plants. The main factors of aquatic landscapes transformation that lead to the pollution concentration are the creation of hydraulic structures that slow down water exchange, the discharge of poorly treated drains with a high content of biogens and suspended substances, dust loss from the atmosphere. The results of geochemical studies and aquatic landscapes mapping should be used to develop indicators of environmental regulation of chemical elements in silts that are absent, which complicates the assessment of their condition and damage caused to the water body.

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