
Between 1963 and 1966, approximately 10,000 mi of sea-magnetometer and bathymetry data was collected in the Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and Labrador Sea areas. The analysis of these data has shown no clear northward continuation of the linear magnetic anomalies which are associated with the Mid-Labrador Sea End_Page 2494------------------------------ Ridge. Previous geologic investigations of the terrestrial Tertiary basalts of the Davis Strait area have shown however, that the lavas are similar enough in chemical composition to be petrogenetically related. The planned 1970 field work, consisting of sea magnetometer, gravity, bathymetry, seismic reflection profiling, seismic refraction measurements, and dredging, should enable the seaward extent and possible chemical evolution of the aseismic ridge of Davis Strait and the crustal type, structure, and sedimentary thickness of Baffin Bay to be determined. The analysis of these data may enable more substantial comment to be given on the pattern of sea-floor spreading between Greenland and Canada. End_of_Article - Last_Page 2495------------

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