
Landslide Slano blato (Salty mud) is located under the Čaven Mountain on the slope cut by many steep mountains streams and gorges. Creeping at the area of Slano blato started on 18th of November 2000. Creep area is an old landslide. Landslide is 1290 m long and 60 to 200 m wide and is located on the altitudes of 270 m to 640 m. Landslide area is approximately 15 ha. As regarding geological structure, the complex of the Čaven Mountains is typical overthrust: the carbonatic series of Trnovski Gozd are laying over intensively folded and tectonically damaged Vipava flysch rocks. The landslide was most probably induced by heavy raining in autumn 2000.


  • Plaz Slano blato je lociran v pobo~ju ^avna, ki predstavlja ju‘ni rob obse‘nega narivnega pokrova, imenovanega Trnovski gozd

  • Landslide Slano blato (Salty mud) is located under the ^aven Mountain on the slope cut by many steep mountains streams and gorges

  • Creeping at the area of Slano blato started on 18th of November 2000

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Kratka vsebina

Plaz Slano blato je lociran v pobo~ju ^avna, ki ga re‘ejo {tevilni potoki in hudourni{ke grape. Do plazenja je na obmo~ju Slanega blata pri{lo 18. Sedanji plaz obsega obmo~je dol‘ine 1290 m in {irine 60 do 200 m ter le‘i med kotama 272 in 640 m. Obravnavano ozemlje ima tipi~no narivno zgradbo z zna~ilnim karbonatnim pokrovom Trnovskega gozda in mo~no nagubano in tektonsko po{kodovano ni‘jele‘e~o fli{no serijo. Na povr{ini so odlo‘eni apnen~evi pobo~ni gru{~i in preperina fli{nih kamnin. Glavni razlog splazitve je obilno de‘evje v jesenskem obdobju leta 2000

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