
AbstractA devastating earthquake occurred on 27 May 2006 in the Yogyakarta area in Indonesia. Response activities began immediately, and included extensive ground-based mapping by Indonesian entities, as well as an activation of the International Charter “Space and Major Disasters”, which led to the rapid production of image based damage maps and other assistance. The aim of this paper is to assess the Geoinformation that became available and was used in the aftermath of the disaster. It shows that some of the map products, largely because of lack of field data and communication with forces in the disaster area, were not as effective as they could have been. It further provides a preliminary quality assessment of those damage maps, using data from a house-by-house damage assessment. Disaster response and data processing are still ongoing, and further analysis will be required to determine how the use of Geoinformatics, and the utility of international assistance based on Charter products in particular, can be improved.KeywordsSeismic IntensityDisaster AreaIkonos ImageQuickbird ImageMinimal Mapping TimeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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