
We present and describe a method to conduct correlation and amplitude-frequency analysis of the observational data of geomagnetic variations and space weather that is based on the combined use of a concept of single information space, models and methods of wavelet and Fourier analysis, and geo-information technologies. The method includes formalized elements of mathematical and methodological support for conducting amplitude-frequency and correlation analysis of the observations of geomagnetic variations and space weather and is verified by means of a prototype in-house platform-independent web-oriented geoinformation system GEOMAGNET (https:// www.geomagnet.ru). The proposed method is verified using data obtained from the magnetic observatories of the INTERMAGNET network and space weather data from the artificial Earth satellite ACE. Results of the observation, automated correlation and amplitude-frequency analysis of signals that provide information on the geomagnetic field and space weather variations at specified time intervals both on the Earth's surface and in near-Earth space are discussed and evaluated.

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