
Transportation of the Baikal region is one of the components of a united transport complex of our country and Mongolia. We developed a semantic classification of cartographic symbols of transport systems with a view to streamlining the structure of thematic layers and the system of cartographic sign mapping of transport. Using this classification, geoinformation mapping of the transport of the Baikal region was carried out. To represent the transport of this territory, several semantic parameters were chosen that characterize both the transport complex and its possible impact on the environment (main transport types, infrastructure facilities, density of highways). The existing and projected constructions of railway tracks, highways, as well as pipelines are shown as linear objects. Point features show major airports, ports and piers. The background is the density of motor roads in the administrative regions of the Baikal region and aimaks of Mongolia. Therefore, the transport of the Baikal region was analyzed with an integrative approach on the basis of the created map, and also using other literary sources and statistical data. The main types of transport in the region, their spatial location, as well as infrastructure of transport facilities are considered. Prospects for the development of regional transport are presented.

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