
The heterogeneous nature of the earth has given rise to variations experienced in the subsurface. Some parts are good for hydrological exploration while others are good for civil engineering activities. These variations experienced in the subsurface could not be detected except through geophysical survey and analysis. Integration of ground magnetic and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) techniques were carried out in Awgbagba to image the subsurface fabric with a view to mapping subsurface geological features, such as the weak and competent zones, to determine the overburden thickness, and suitability of Awgbagba for civil engineering and hydrogeological purposes. Ten ground magnetic traverses were established in W-E and N-S azimuths. Twenty VES points were randomly sounded for the study in order to cover the entire study area. The magnetic residual field anomaly values ranged from -1, 600 to 700 nT. The study area is grouped into low, average, and high magnetic zones. The depth to magnetic sources ranged from 8.1 to 48.9 m with a mean value of 17.4 m. Three planar feature orientations in the study area are in NE-SW, NW-SE, and SE-NW orientations. VES results showed 7 QH-curve type, 6 HA-curve type, 4 KH-curve type, 1 AA-curve type, 1 HK-curve type and 1 QQ-curve type respectively. The ratio of thin-to-thick overburden and fresh-to-fractured bedrock are 3:7 and 2:3 respectively. It is concluded that the study area cannot withstand high-rise building constructions. However, the mapped fracture zones in the study area would serve as promising zones for borehole development.

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