
Corn is one of the important food crops in the world. To ensure optimal results, farmers usually monitor crop conditions manually. Unfortunately, manual monitoring can take time and effort due to the large area of maize fields (approx.: 1 ha). In addition, corn plants are also susceptible to diseases and pests which often result in corn farmers experiencing losses due to crop failure. This can be supported by several cases of corn crop failure in Lampung caused by pests and water shortages, such as in Bumidaya Village, South Lampung. Therefore, this research will develop a corn crop monitoring system using geohash and drones. The primary objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive design for a corn crop monitoring system, leveraging the capabilities of machine learning for corn plant recognition. The application of geohash is expected to assist farmers in handling and early detection of plants that experience a decrease in health quality before it spreads to all other maize crops. The results of the model training carried out with the R-CNN are that the detection model is able to detect with an accuracy of 88.9% with a low distance of the drone in taking pictures or close to plants.

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