
The paper represents the geographical analysis of braided river channels development and distribution for the first time in Russian Scientific Literature. On asmall-scale map of Russia we display the distribution of braided channels on small and middle mountain, semi-mountain and plain rivers, in free and limited conditions of channel changes development (on rivers with wide floodplain and incised channel), which are determined by geologic-geomorphologic structure of the territory. On the large and largest rivers we distinguish braided reaches of different morphological types according to the MSU classification (single, conjugated, one-sided and alternate one-sided, sub-parallel branches, etc) and also bifurcations as aconsequence of meander cut-off which complicate the morphology of straight and meandering channels. Separately we display bifurcations on the other structural levels of channel processes development point mid-channel bifurcations on mountain reaches of large rivers, split channels and deltaic braided reaches. The causes of different types of braided channels development in different natural conditions are described.

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