
Background: Water is the most important natural resource that guarantees socio-economic development and quality of man’s life, while its consumptive demand increases in response to the geographic diversities of the human population. Aim: This study examined the influence of some geographic variables on households’ exposure to water scarcity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Potiskum town, Yobe State. Methods: Online survey was conducted on the households’ water demand and availability, while the data were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistical models. Findings: It highlighted that about 34% of the households were using unimproved water sources, which increases their spatial distance coverage, time, and energy expenditures for the water fetching. The WSVI demonstrated the exposure of 60.2% of the households to the varying levels of water scarcity, which constitute a threat to the attainment of SDG 6 and compliance with the COVID-19 pandemic’s safety measures. Similarly, the geographic determinants were found to statistically correlate with the dynamics of the water supply. Whereas, the linear regression model of the determinants was found to account for 32.7% of the households’ susceptibility to the water crisis. Conclusion: It affirmed the presence of water scarcity, attributed to the geographic factors, and prompted by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it suggests increased investments in the urban water sector, towards improving affordable access to the water supply and enhanced WASH service, which reduces the vulnerability of the households to water crisis and transmission of contagious diseases such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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