
Contents: Preface. P.J. Bettis, N.G. Adams, Landscapes of Girlhood. Part I: Before School. D.E. Merten, Barbies, Bases, and Beer: Role of the Home in Junior High Girls' Identity Work. L. Jewett, Beads, Body Glitter, and Backseat Bad-Asses: Girls, Power, and Position on the School Bus. Part II: At School. D.M. Shinew, D.T. Jones, Talk: Adolescent Girls' Perceptions of Leadership. P.J. Bettis, D. Jordan, D. Montgomery, Girls in Groups: Preps and the Sex Mob Try Out for Womanhood. R. Lalik, K.L. Oliver, The Beauty Walk as a Social Space for Messages About the Female Body: Toward Transformative Collaboration. N.G. Adams, Fighters and Cheerleaders: Disrupting the Discourse of Girl Power in the New Millennium. L. Fingerson, Only Four Minute Passing Periods! Private and Public Menstrual Identities in School. S. Elsasser, In the World But Not of It: Gendered Religious Socialization at a Christian School. S.S. Prettyman, We Ain't No Dogs: Teenage Mothers (Re)Define Themselves. Part III: After School. C.A. Banks, Black Girls/White Spaces: Managing Identity Through Memories of Schooling. J.E. Petrovic, R.M. Ballard, Unstraightening the Ideal Girl: Lesbians, High School, and Spaces to Be. D.D. Liston, R.E. Moore-Rahimi, Disputation of a Bad Reputation: Adverse Sexual Labels and the Lives of Twelve Southern Women. L.M. Brown, S.M. Grande, Border Crossing--Border Patrolling: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Sisterhood. N. Erevelles, K. Mutua, I Am a Woman Now!: Rewriting Cartographies of Girlhood From the Critical Standpoint of Disability. P.J. Bettis, N.G. Adams, Afterword: Girlhood, Places, and Pedagogy.

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